Ways to treat Pneumonia using natural remedies.


Fever, chills, aching muscles, coughing, sore throat, bloody sputum, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, pain in the chest. Rapid, difficult breathing and cyanosis (bluish skin and nails from lack of oxygen).
   In bacterial pneumonia, the onset is sudden and the cough is dry at first; then a rust-colored sputum is produced, and breathing becomes rapid and labored. The viral form is more variable in seriousness, from the time it begins.

There is lobar, bronchopneumonia, or interstitial pneumonia, according to the area of the lungs involved. Pneumonia is a serious infection of the lungs and bronchial tubes. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or protozoa. The tiny sacs in the lungs (which look somewhat like grapes hanging from their stems) are where the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange is made. These sacs become inflamed and filled with mucus and pus.
   Generally an upper respiratory infection in the throat and the bronchial tubes (such as a cold, the flu, or perhaps the measles) occurs. Those under one year or over 60 are the most susceptible.
   Bacterial pneumonia is more dangerous and severe than the viral type. There is also a fungal pneumonia; but those with HIV are most likely to contract it.
   In children, the pain of pneumonia is frequently located in the abdomen; it causes others to think there is acute indigestion or appendicitis. Some 40,000 older Americans die of pneumonia every year. It is the fifth largest cause of death in the U.S.
   If chills, high fever, rapid shallow respirations, cyanosis (blue color) of lips or skin, or delirium occurs, a physician should be contacted. If the treatment is early, careful, and vigorous, pneumonia can usually be successful controlled and eliminated. He will often have weakness for 4-6 weeks after the acute phase is past.
   The use of antibiotics for minor infections, such as colds, can produce strong bacteria in the bronchial, which can later cause pneumonia.

  • Getting enough fluids into the body is important; for this will thin secretions in the lungs, making them easier to cough up. Increase air moisture in the room with cool air vaporizer. As they become damp, change the bed clothing and linen to prevent chilling.
  • Rinse out the nose with saltwater, gently taking it in and blowing it out. Gargle with saltwater. Then repeat the rinsing and gargling with a golden-seal and myrrh mixture. This will help keep a cold or flu from going down into the lungs.
  • If the lungs are already affected, after giving the above treatment, give hot foot-baths and high herb enema at least once day. Drink plenty of water. Take laxative herbs, to keep the bowels working properly. Every 2 hours give short, hot fomentations to the chest and upper back, with short cold between each hot application. Keep the heat on for 10-12 minutes; then sponge off vigorously with a cold cloth. Repeat the cycle 3 times in each series. Dry the chest. Repeat the series as often as a very 2 hours. A heating compress may be used between other treatments and at night.
  • The head should be kept cool with washcloths wrung from ice water if the temperature goes above 100o-101o F. by mouth (101o-102o F. by rectum).
  • For those who are not very sick, give a hot half bath, followed by a cold water pour and vigorous dry sponging.
  • A heating pad or hot water bottle applied to the chest may ease chest pain; but some are better helped by an ice bag. Coughing is helpful in bringing up mucus; it should not be treated with medications to prevent it from occurring. Sneeze or cough into disposable tissues, which should be destroyed.
  • Diet: Only give liquids the first few days. These should consist of fruit juices (diluted pineapple juice or orange juice) or lemon and water (without sugar), etc. Continue this until the high fever abates. Then give strained vegetable broths, whole grains (best in dry form, so they will be chewed well), and fresh carrot juice.
  • Numerous clinical trials show effectiveness of the dandelion against pneumonia. Echinacea is also powerful; so is garlic and golden-seal. Fenugreek tea is very helpful in relieving the wracking cough. For small children, the easiest way to give garlic is liquid kyolic (the Japanese preparation). Give a dropper to infants and a teaspoon 3 times daily to older children. Astragalus enhances the body’s immune system. Ginger is a good antibiotic to fight fever.
  • The room should be warm, but ventilated. Protect him from chilling.

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